You can now monitor your hosted message queues in Amazon Web Services with Site24x7 - Site24x7 Forum
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You can now monitor your hosted message queues in Amazon Web Services with Site24x7

Good day folks,

We're excited to add another important addition to our growing list of supported AWS integrations: Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) - a fully managed message queue service on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. You can now collect the full range of performance metrics and inventory data for both your standard and FIFO queues; visualize usage using custom and system dashboards; configure customized thresholds; get alerted via integrated notification channels; and get complete visibility into queue health.

For example, you get time series graphs to visualize historical and current usage across a variety of metrics including message state (delayed, in-flight, available, or deleted), incoming and outgoing message traffic (sent and received), queue activity (age of oldest message), producer behavior (message size) and more.

Getting started

If you've already integrated your AWS account with Site24x7, you can start monitoring your SQS queues as part of your existing integration. Just navigate to the Edit section of your integrated AWS account and find the SQS listing. Check the box to start data collection for your hosted message queues. If your AWS account is not yet integrated with Site24x7, you can quickly enable monitoring and collect metrics for all of your critical AWS services, all in one place in a matter of minutes.

Required IAM permissions

If you've already attached the AWS managed policy "ReadOnlyAccess" to the Site24x7 entity, then no action is required. If not, please make sure the following read-level actions are present in the custom policy document assigned to the Site24x7 IAM user or role to collect data:

    • "sqs:Get*"
    • "sqs:List*"

Create an automation to send message to your SQS queues

Additionally, you can also configure an automation to send custom messages to your queues in response to alert events happening in your AWS environment, in this context Site24x7 would act as your message producer. To help Site24x7 act on your behalf, please make sure the partial write level action "sqs:SendMessage" is present in the IAM policy.

Licensing and availability

  • Each Amazon SQS queue is considered as a basic monitor.
  • The Amazon SQS integration is available for all Site24x7 customers with a paid or evaluation subscription.

Help resources

With this new AWS integration, you'll gain access to all the information required for troubleshooting stalled queues, so go ahead, try it out, and don't forget to post your feedback and suggestions in our community. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact support. Cheers.

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