by Elizebeth JB
Hi there,
We're pleased to inform you that Site24x7's AWS monitoring now provides Procstat monitoring support for your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances. The Procstat plugin enables you to collect metrics from individual processes in an EC2 instance configured in the CloudWatch agent.
Site24x7's integration with Procstat allows you to monitor the metric usage and gives a detailed information about the processes in your integrated EC2 monitor. You can leverage the following benefits through Procstat monitoring:
- Monitor the resource usage of one or more processes.
- Configure thresholds and receive alerts when a process is in Up, Down, Critical, or Trouble status.
- View process metrics and track metric usage.

Note that five Procstat monitors are considered a basic monitor. Try Site24x7's Procstat integration and leave your feedback below in the comments section.
The Site24x7 team
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