Monitor email sending activity with Site24x7's Amazon SES integration - Site24x7 Forum
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Monitor email sending activity with Site24x7's Amazon SES integration

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is designed to provide a highly deliverable email platform for businesses of all shapes and sizes. But, what exactly does highly deliverable mean? Also, how do you know whether the beautifully crafted newsletter or important transaction email you sent via SES is reaching your customers' inboxes?

With Site24x7's newly added monitoring support for SES, you can now gather information about your email sending program. Observe and receive alerts on bounces and complaints to understand email delivery issues; track open and click-through rates to gauge engagement; and more. You can also automatically send notification mails to multiple recipients in response to threshold violation events via SES.

A few things about the integration:

Alert-ready metrics: Developers and digital marketers alike can visualize, monitor, and alert on all email sending events, including sends, rejects, bounces, complaints, deliveries, opens, clicks, rendering failures, and total emails sent. Learn more.

Licensing: Each Amazon SES endpoint is considered a basic monitor.

Availability: The Amazon SES integration is available to all Site24x7 subscription holders.

AWS IAM permissions: If you've attached a custom policy to the Site24x7 IAM entity (user or role), then please add the following read-level actions to the policy JSON to help Site24x7 access and collect SES data: ses:Get*, ses:List*, and ses:Describe*. If you've assigned the AWS managed policy ReadOnlyAccess, you can dive straight into monitoring by enabling the SES integration using the Service View.

Well, that's it for now. As always, if you have any questions or feedback, you can get in touch with us at support@site24x7, or post to this forum. Cheers!

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