We are planning to add a large number of Linux servers using a Configuration Template and have a few queries
- Processes
- We want to monitor the SSHD process but we need to make sure its the background process, when adding via conf template it seems to select a user specific process. Is there any way we can include an argument? ie sshd /usr/sbin/sshd -D
- Disk Partition
- Is it possible to exclude a partition as part of the template?
If this is not possible is there an automated way to achieve this rather than manually via the GUI?
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Hi Paul,
As of now, we do not support the addition of processes based on arguments, while using the Configuration Template. We shall add this to our road map and let you know once it's ready. As a workaround, you can add the SSHD process to a server monitor and use the Add to Other Server Monitors option under Server > Server Monitor > Servers > click on the server monitor > Processes > Add to Other Server Monitors.

As for your second question, excluding a particular disk partition can be done for a single server monitor at a time.
- Go to Server > Server Monitor > Servers > click on the desired server monitor
- Hover on the hamburger icon beside the display name > click Edit
- In the Edit Server Monitor page, under Configuration Profiles, click on the pencil icon beside the field Threshold and Availability. Remove the option "Partition Disk Utilization Threshold". Save your changes.

Hope this helps. For any further queries, comment in the below thread
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