FR - Alert when hardware is added, removed or modified. - Site24x7 Forum
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FR - Alert when hardware is added, removed or modified.

It would be good to know if CPU, memory or new drive volumes have been added or removed to servers.

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Replies (1)

Hi ebduncan,

Thanks for bringing this up. 

It would be great if you could take a few minutes to answer the below queries. This would help us in enhancing the feature.

1. We would like to know the virtualization environment (like VMware, Hyper-V) that you are using.


 It would be good to know if CPU, memory or new drive volumes have been added or removed to servers

Would you like to have this feature implemented in a virtualization monitor or a server monitor? 

3. Could you tell us if you want us to exclude removed child monitors from the overall resource utilization calculation?
For eg: if you have removed few disk drives from monitoring, should those disk drives be excluded from the overall disk utilization calculation?

Let us know your feedback on this. 




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