Do not re-register agent after re-install a server - Site24x7 Forum
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Do not re-register agent after re-install a server

From time to time we reinstall our terminalservers (50). After a re-installation the server register in the monitoring portal again. This is a problem because there are two servers in the monitoring with the same name! Is there a workarround (registry key or something else) available to do NOT reregister the agent and map the server to the "old" entry?

How does other customers handle this?
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Replies (2)

Hi Patrik,

Can you please share the following details for us to analyze the case:

1. Specify the Operating System that's installed in this server?
2. Are these Servers cloud based? If yes, please share the service provider's name?
3. How do you reinstall your terminal server?

Hisham Thorakkal
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1 2012 R2 Remote Desktop Server
2 Not cloud based - on premise
3 We reinstall the server with a tasksequence (SCCM System Center Configuration Manager)
   After windows installation we install the Site24x7 agent with a script

  1. <#

    Description: Script installs monitoring agent Site 24x7
    Notice: creates two autostart services - Site24x7 Agent Helper,Site24x7 Windows Agent

    Change: disable tray icon added


    #region Logging
    Function StartLog
        $count = "${Product}_$Version".length
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value "`n"
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value $("*"*$($count +52))
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value $("*$(" "*($count+50))*")
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value "*$(" "*25)${Product}_$Version$(" "*25)*"
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value "*$(" "*$($count+50))*"
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value $("*"*$($count +52))
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value "`n"

    Function StopLog
        $count = "${Product}_$Version".length
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value "`n"
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value $("*"*$($count +52))
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value "`n"
        if (($ExitCode -eq 0) -or ($ExitCode -eq 3010)) {Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value "$($MyInvocation.ScriptName) successfully completed with returncode $ExitCode"}
        else {Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value "$($MyInvocation.ScriptName) failed with returncode $ExitCode"}

    Function WriteLog ($err)
        $DateTime=Get-Date -Format "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value ($DateTime + " I - "+ $err)

    function WriteEmptyline
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value `n
    Function WriteLogE ($err)
        $DateTime=Get-Date -Format "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value ($DateTime + " E - " + $err)
    Function WriteLogW ($err)
        $DateTime=Get-Date -Format "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
        Add-content $scriptInstallLog -value ($DateTime + " W - " + $err)

    #other functions

    Function G_RegSetItemProperty
        if (!(Test-Path $RegistryPath ))
            mkdir $RegistryPath
            Set-ItemProperty $RegistryPath -Name $Name -Value $Value -ErrorAction Stop
            WriteLog "Name $Name Value $Value successfully added to registry $RegistryPath"
            return 0
            WriteLogE "Add Name $Name Value $Value to registry $RegistryPath failed with error $_"
            return 5

    #region MSI install/uninstall
    Function G_InstallMSI
        $MSIFile = Join-Path "$wrkDir" "MSI\$MSI"
        $MSILogFile = Join-Path $MSILogs "Install_$($MSI.replace(".msi",".log"))"
        $Arguments = @("/i","`"$MSIFile`"")
        $Arguments += $Argument
        $Arguments += " /L*V " + $MSILogFile
        WriteLog "starting installation of $MSI"
        $installation = Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait -PassThru

        if (($installation.ExitCode -eq 0) -or ($installation.ExitCode -eq 3010) )
            WriteLog "installation of MSI $MSI ended successfully"
            WriteLogE "during installation of MSI $MSI error $($installation.ExitCode) occured"
        return $installation.ExitCode



    $Product = "Site24x7_WindowsAgent"
    $Version = "18.1.5_01"
    $logDir = "C:\Logs"
    $scriptInstallLog = Join-Path $logDir "Install-${Product}_$Version.log"
    $MSILogs = Join-Path $logDir "${Product}_$Version"
    $InstallDir = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Site24x7"
    $ExitCode = 0

    #create log dir
    if (!(Test-Path $logDir)) {mkdir $logDir}
    if (!(Test-Path $MSILogs)) {mkdir $MSILogs}

    #start installation

    #  MSI   #
    $ExitCode += G_InstallMSI "Site24x7WindowsAgent.msi" -Argument "EDITA1=******* ENABLEPROXY=yes ProxyServerName=****** ProxyUserName=******** ProxyPassword=******* /qn"

    #disable tray icon
    $TrayIconProcess = Start-Process -FilePath "$InstallDir\WinAgent\monitoring\bin\Site24x7WindowsAgentTrayIcon.exe" -ArgumentList "-s" -PassThru -NoNewWindow
    $ExitCode += G_RegSetItemProperty -RegistryPath "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ManageEngine\Site24x7WindowsAgent" -Name EnableAgentTrayIcon -Value NO


    exit $ExitCode

Thank you!
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