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(Custom) Cloudwatch Metrics

Cloudwatch offers a bunch of metrics to set alerts on. In addition one can push custom metrics to Cloudwatch and set alerts on those. 

Now I'm the site24x7 advocate in our company, but it's getting harder and harder for me to sell that site24x7 can't use Cloudwatch metrics. Meaning, one cannot add monitors in site24x7 based on (custom) metrics. This leaves us no choice but to set alerts in Cloudwatch and keep using it for some alerts, while we really want one centralized solution.

Is this something that is on the roadmap, the ability to add and alert on Cloudwatch metrics?


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H Tom,

We would like to learn a bit more about how you use Custom CloudWatch Metrics.

Are the Custom CloudWatch Metrics Standard Resolution or High-Resolution ones in AWS? We ask this to understand how we often we should poll and apply thresholds on. Any comments here would be helpful.

How many such metrics would you have? 
Do these metrics use " --dimensions" ? 

Any detailed example that you can share will help us understand this better.




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