by Elizebeth JB
We're excited to announce that Site24x7 has extended its AWS monitoring to support AWS Batch. Site24x7's integration with AWS Batch enables you to monitor and analyze your batch processing that includes tasks, such as submitted jobs, failed jobs, pending jobs, and succeeded jobs.
AWS Batch helps you to schedule and execute batch jobs on AWS cloud. It optimizes the compute resources, and saves you the time of installing software or server clusters that you use to run your jobs.

By integrating Site24x7 with AWS Batch, you can:
- Set thresholds for metrics and receive alerts for threshold breaches so that you can identify and troubleshoot the AWS Batch monitor.
- Schedule IT automation to cancel or terminate your job at any time.
- Obtain a detailed overview of the job definition.
- View CloudWatch logs to find specific error codes or patterns for failed jobs.
Try Site24x7's AWS Batch integration and leave your feedback in the comments section below.
The Site24x7 team
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