API access using Device Key - Site24x7 Forum
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API access using Device Key

We have a whole new API based on REST principles. Its a lot more comprehensive for all Admin Actions in the Web Client. This new API is based on an "AuthToken" (like a secret key) concept that is  already used by our Single Sign On Platform. This means, API access to Monitors / Contacts based on Device Key will not work any more. You must move to new set of  API's.
Going forward we will deprecate all our API usage based on Device Key. Kindly post the Site24x7 API you are currently using, so that we will prioritize and support it in our New API as soon as possible.
Looking forward to hear your feedback on this.
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Replies (10)

What is a device key? When logging in to deskapp, it is asking for a device key and also for an API key when trying to install the server monitor.
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Device Key is an account identifier key used by Widgets like Desk App, Transaction recorder and Server Monitoring agents to operate on the user account.

Device Key can be obtained under "Admin->Developer->Device Key" tab.

Let me know if you need any further clarifications.

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Thanks for your help,

I have got the device key but as per your previous post, it says that the device key is supported no more and there is Authentication token, Could you explain more about it. 

And also, please add a tab for schedule maintenance. 
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Hi Manoj,

Using Device Key for API access is deprecated. However you can use it with all our gadgets. To access our API's you should use AUTHTOKEN and not Device Key.

Schedule Maintenance can be accessed under Admin->Operations->Schedule Maintenance.

Let us know if you need any further clarifications.


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I'm trying to use our listed Device Key here and as of last evening 6/2/15 its not connecting from DeskApp. I've cut and pasted a new copy of it so I know there are no typos and comparing the two strings shows now differences. Reinstalling the 1.1.3 version of DeskApp  also did not help. I get Connection Failed Kindly Check your Device Key.
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There seems to be a problem in accessing the monitors using Device Key.
We are working on it and get back to you asap with the fix.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

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Hi gkasica,

The issue has been fixed in Site24x7 server and it went live today.
You can use the Device Key listed in your account (Admin --> Developer --> Device Key) and login from DeskApp.

Let me know if you face any problem or need any further clarification on DeskApp & Device Key

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Hi Vijay,

We in our project also face the same issue now. Getting error like "Connection Failed Kindly Check your Device Key". Kindly help us in resolving.




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Hello Ajay,

We have fixed the problem and a new version of our DeskApp (1.2.1) is available online. Please download and install the new version of DeskApp and check if it is working fine. 

In case the problem persists, please start the DeskAPP with admin privilege and provide the Device Key. Then zip the log file "DeskApp.log" available under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Site24x7 DeskApp\Logs" folder and send that to "support@site24x7.com" for further analysis. 


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