by Elizebeth JB
Hi there,
We're happy to inform you that Site24x7's AWS monitoring now supports Amazon EBS volume. Amazon EBS volume is a block-level storage service that can attach instances and contain various sizes of data.
Track EBS volumes and monitor your resources with greater detail and depth with Site24x7's Amazon EBS volume integration. By integrating Site24x7 and Amazon EBS volume, you can:
- Get a bird's-eye view of your EBS volume inventory.
- Remove EBS volumes that are not attached for a long period using the volume age metric.
- View the volume size charts as well as the volume count by type and availability zone with the metrics data collected.
- Schedule IT automation to configure an action profile and create an EBS volume snapshot.

Try Site24x7's Amazon EBS volume integration and leave your feedback below in the comments section.
The Site24x7 team
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by Elizebeth JB
Hi there!
We're happy to share that Site24x7's AWS monitoring now supports Amazon EBS snapshots. Obtain a bird's-eye view of your snapshot inventory and monitor your snapshots at the volume level based on snapshot availability with Site24x7-EBS snapshot integration.
Refer to our EBS snapshot integration announcement post and let us know if you have any questions!
The Site24x7 team
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