by Elizebeth JB
Hi there,
We're happy to inform you that Site24x7's AWS monitoring now supports Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Snapshots. The snapshots can be used to create a backup of critical workloads, such as a large database, or a file system that spans across multiple EBS volumes.
Achieve full-stack visibility and obtain in-depth knowledge about your EBS snapshot inventory with Site24x7's Amazon EBS snapshot integration. By integrating Site24x7 and Amazon EBS snapshot, you can:
- Track EBS snapshots and monitor your resources in great detail.
- Gain a bird's-eye view of your EBS snapshot inventory.
- Receive snapshot details of the available volumes which is helpful for creating new volumes.
- Monitor the snapshots at the volume level based on snapshot availability.

Five EBS snapshot monitors are considered a basic monitor.
Note: If you don’t want snapshots to be discovered, you can disable EBS Volume discovery on the Integrate AWS Account > Services to be discovered field.
Try Site24x7's Amazon EBS snapshot integration and leave your feedback below in the comments section.
The Site24x7 team
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