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Outages Report

Outages Report helps you access all the outages related to your monitors over a specific period of time, on a single dashboard view. Outages are captured and made visible right on the home screen to make sure you're always made aware of any critical issues. This report includes the downtime details like incident start and end times, duration of outage and the monitor name along with the reason for downtime for quick incident troubleshooting. You can click the  icon to mark an outage as maintenance, edit comments, or even delete any outages if it's irrelevant.

Generate your Outage Report

  1. Log in to Site24x7.
  2. Navigate to Home > Outages
  3. Fill the following fields:
    • Resource Type: Choose the resource for which you want to view the outages. (Monitor, Monitor Group, Tag, All Monitors.)
    • Time Period: Choose the desired Time Period from the drop-down.
      You can generate reports for the last 1, 6, 12, 24 hours, today to as long as a year back. Additionally, you can also generate report for a custom time period.
    • Date Range: If you choose custom period in the Time Period drop-down, then you can choose the Date Range for you which want to view data for the outage within that time outage period. Once you set a custom date range, you can click on the desired monitor to view the report, and the same date range will be applied in the monitor details page in the top band. 
    • Bulk Action: Select multiple outages to perform bulk action. You can choose to add a comment for all the selected outages, mark them as maintenance, or delete them.
    • Status icon: Click the status icon to view the status of the bulk action task.
    • Add Outage: You can choose to add an outage manually with the Add Outage option. Instantly gain insights into all outages related to your monitors over a specific period using Ask Zia. Get a summary of details like incident start and end times, outage duration, monitor name, and the reason for downtime to troubleshoot incidents quickly and efficiently.
    • Share This: You can use Share This option to export the reports as CSV, PDF, or via email notifications.
      You can opt to view the reasons and the latest comments on the outage by clicking the filter column icon by navigating to Home > Outages > filter column icon. You can choose to see both, one of those, or neither.
  4. You have the option to add and edit the reason under Comments section. Click on the  icon and click Add/Edit Comments.
    • During any detected outage, Site24x7 will auto-populate the reason for downtime under the Recent Comments section. Anyone, irrespective of user roles, can edit/delete these system generated comments.
    • You can edit and delete any comment that you'd added. However, Super Admin/Admin roles will only have the privilege to delete comments, and not edit them.
    • You can mark a specific outage period as maintenance or delete the outage period from the outage report altogether.
    • After marking an outage as maintenance, the outage record is cleared from the report. However, you can always access the maintenance record from the Outage tab in the Monitor's Details page. In the Monitor details page, the maintenance can be reverted back to outage, if needed.

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