Help Docs

iOS app: Reports

The Reports page in the Site24x7 iOS app provides a detailed overview of your monitors' statuses, enabling the quick identification of issues and potential violations. This feature allows you to comprehensively monitor your service performance, providing valuable insights into outages and SLA compliance. 

View a detailed report of monitors with outages or SLA violations by selecting Reports from the bottom navigation bar.

The report's view is categorized as below:

  • Outages: Access all the outages related to your monitors over a specific period of time, on a single dashboard view. Outages display the Duration, Start Time, End Time, and Error Message for a monitor.
    • PDF generation: Share your outages via PDF by clicking on the share iOS Share Icon icon and selecting the medium of communication.
  • SLAs: Our SLA management helps organizations define and monitor SLAs with service performance metrics for Availability, Response Time, and Composite. It ensures service quality measurement and tracks potential SLA violations in advance. 
    Learn more about SLA Reports.

The Reports view can be filtered based on the time and date.

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